Saturday, February 4, 2012

ONE COFFEE CO. - Private Label your Coffee Blend

What Fun.... Have your own blend of Coffee.  Name it after your business or your wife.  Pick your favorite blend and have One Coffee Company of Phoenix, Arizona roast it and package it.  For more information go to and click on contact us.  This is great for holiday gifts.  This package is
Sofia's Blend named after the owner's daughter.

NFL Retired Players of Arizona

Two for the Road Marketing and PR has the pleasure of working with the Arizona Legends.  It is our pleasure to introduce the players to the community in order to help other non profits and generate donations for the NFL dire need medical fund.  Lincoln Kennedy is the President of the Arizona Chapter.

Cell Phones for Grandchildren?

Grandparents on the Go !!!!
At What age should children be able to have cell phones and why?