Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two for the Road Staff recommends Jodie and Jeff

Who Should be your Spokesperson?
In the auto business... Should the GM go on Camera or a professional talent?

A Savvy Spokesperson

Far too often the company spokesperson is picked by default. They are available, they understand the ins and outs of the business or maybe it just comes down to the fact that they're the boss. But none of the above really makes for a good spokesperson. Choosing the person that represents your company in the media and public eye is one of the most important marketing decisions you will make. Set ego aside and take some time to make the best choice. Here are some tips to help:
  • Look for someone that is a bit of a ham and will enjoy the attention. As annoying as they can sometimes be, these people tend to have the outgoing personality needed for a spokesperson.
  • Yes they should know the company inside and out, but the real challenge is can they easily explain what the company does to someone outside the industry. A person that can easily and quickly break down complicated issues into layman's terms makes for a great spokesperson. Often the person that knows the most about the business, tends to have a hard time getting to the point and describing things simply.
  • How do they handle pressure? You want someone that is passionate, but if they are a hot head and tend to fly off the handle when agitated, spokesperson is NOT the position for them.
  • How do others react to them? Are they likable? The person that everyone seems to want to chat with at the holiday party? This could be your spokesperson.
  • How well do they follow directions? Do they seem to want to change things up or add a little something different when given a task? This may not be your spokesperson. A good spokesperson needs to be able to follow talking points and stay on task.
  • Finally, if you are the boss, consider that someone other than yourself may be the better spokesperson. You will always be needed from time to time, but if you are not the best overall face for your company, that's okay. You are busy running it!
Be sure to check out our Blog for more tips on appearing in the media.

All Our Best,
Jodie & Jeff Heisner
BottomLine Media Coaching